My Story
For the past 15 years, I've been very lucky to have established myself as a prominent voice promoting youth entrepreneurship and tech literacy. This is my story.

My Beginnings
I was born and raised in Waterford, a city situated in the South East of Ireland famed for its beaches and crystal.
Growing up I always felt I was lucky to possess an entrepreneurial mindset and struggled to source an outlet to convey it. Whether it be offering karate lessons (without any knowledge of it) or selling my brother's old (and new) toys, I always wanted to find a way to work in business.
I also always had a curiosity towards technology and how computers worked but I didn't see tech as an outlet for my entrepreneurial interests until a lucky discovery at the age of 9.
I was a massive fan of the online game Club Penguin and by chance came across a community of users who were writing their own blogs and "cheat websites" around the game. I couldn't believe that people the same age as me were actually creating their own content and through my curious nature thought myself how to write basic HTML5, Javascript and CSS to launch my own Club Penguin website. This is where it all began.
Connecting 2 & 2
After a number of years writing about a game, I soon became intrigued about creating my own.
Up until this point I had thought that game development had been reserved for large corporations. That was until I discovered XCode and the iOS development kit for the App Store.
Now, game development was a much more attainable goal and the only thing in my way was the availability of an Apple Mac (which for a 12 year old kid was still a pretty expensive task to attain)
So, I did what any desperate 12 year old kid would do; I forged a letter claiming to be an Apple Executive and sent it to my parents proclaiming all the amazing advantages having a Mac would have for my development needs.
Much to my surprise (and despite their continued denial), they believed me and helped me buy my first Mac. I developed my first game Alien Ball VS Humans in 2012 and became Europe's youngest iOS developer. I also founded my first company, Casey Games and finally found the much desired outlet for my entrepreneurial interests. Age was just a number.

The World of Speaking
You can probably imagine, based on my interests in technology that I wasn't the most outgoing kid in the world growing up.
So, when I was invited to share my story at the 2012 Cannes Lions Festival in France, I was incredibly apprehensive. To be sharing the stage with the likes of Bill Clinton & Selena Gomez at my first ever conference was a daunting ordeal.
However, to my surprise, the second I stepped up on that stage, everything changed for me & I suddenly had a new passion.
To be given such a huge platform to share my story has been such a privilege and I soon began using my voice to promote my other passions such as youth entrepreneurship, tech literacy and education and have been blessed to have shared this story with millions of people.
Today I cover a broad area of topics in-depth such as youth entrepreneurship, emerging technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Bitcoin & education. I'm very lucky to be part of the Thinking Heads Agency.
Public Work
I've also been very lucky to have used my platform to support public interests and provide a young person's perspective on major issues at hand.
In 2013, I began working as a youth advisor the European Commission, working directly with Vice President Neelie Kroes on the Digital Agenda, and playing a role in acts such as the 2013 abolishment of roaming charges.
I have also been an ambassador for the EUIPO since 2015, promoting intellectual property education amongst young Europeans.
In 2018, I was selected as the sole international Knowledge Ambassador for The MBRF foundation, the charitable wing of the Ruler of Dubai at the Dubai Knowledge Summit.
In 2022, I was invited to meet with HM King Charles III during his Royal Visit to Waterford in March where we briefly discussed our common interest of youth entrepreneurship at the Royal Reception.

Recent Years
In recent years, I've been lucky to have worked on a number of exciting projects and with a number of incredible organisations.
I serve as a Technology and Digital Marketing Executive at Kollect ($KOLL), a NASDAQ listed waste booking engine based in Ireland.
I'm a Co-Founder of Verify21, a Bitcoin Backed Loans platform with no funny business or rehypothecation.
Under my freelance wing, Hub, I've worked with a number of clients to create high-impact mobile applications and websites.
I've worked on digital services for Nesty.ie, an automated vending solutions business based in Ireland.
I founded SCNE (Social, City, Nightlife & Entertainment) in 2019 which became Ireland's most downloaded nightlife app that year.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I created Tablepay, a seated ordering solution for hospitality businesses that generated €2,000,000 in revenue for clients across Ireland and was runner up to the HSE COVID-19 Tracker App for innovative technology.
I served as Marketing Associate for Kano Computing, one of the most celebrated technology startups in the world and was part of a team that supported the launch of the STEM PLAYER in association with Kanye West and YEEZY.
Despite a reduction in public speaking due to the pandemic, I recently resumed this love of mine and continue to share my passions around the world.
Things are still just getting started.